Sobre la compañía
Mi rol
He tenido la oportunidad de ser parte importante en la creación y definición de la voz de la compañía.
Durante todos estos años no solo he ayudado a que la marca se diera a conocer en televisión, también he hecho infinitas campañas digitales, de email marketing, he captado leads y he optimizado centenares de copys para SEO y SEM.
Holaluz es una compañía de transición energética fundada en 2010 y que trabaja para conectar a las personas a la energía verde.

We needed an action that would make us move tweets on Twitter. To be in the online press and make people talk about holaluz for a few days, but without a big budget. In fact, the CAC per tweet or mention should not be more than €1.
Punto de partida
La idea
We needed an action that would make us move tweets on Twitter. To be in the online press and make people talk about holaluz for a few days, but without a big budget. In fact, the CAC per tweet or mention should not be more than €1.
Proyecto 1: Iluzprofeno

Ideación y copywriting
Based on the clicks the user made in the last month to see more information such as flights, other information,
We sent 100 units of Iluzprofen to several people, at a total cost of 120€.
We got:
17 mentions on twitter
7 articles where Iluzprofeno was mentioned.
Some links to news that are still online:
Marketing news

We needed an action that would make us move tweets on Twitter. To be in the online press and make people talk about holaluz for a few days, but without a big budget. In fact, the CAC per tweet or mention should not be more than €1.
We needed an action that would make us move tweets on Twitter. To be in the online press and make people talk about holaluz for a few days, but without a big budget. In fact, the CAC per tweet or mention should not be more than €1.
Proyecto 2: TV
2016 · Conceptualization and Brand designer
Based on the clicks the user made in the last month to see more information such as flights, other information,
Final proposal
KPI's we moved
It was a branding project so we measured the traffic to the website, which went up by 3% when the ad was on TV and online.

I joined holaluz in 2014 when we were 30 people working in the team. I left in 2019 just one month after the company went public, with more than 150 people working there.
I went through the early start up phase, team expansions, and a lot of branding changes as the company was looking for its voice and look and feel. I was actively involved in all these changes.
In all these changes I actively participated in its digital development, both on the web and in social networks, CRM flows, events in Barcelona and Madrid and television campaigns.
What I learned there